Selasa, 02 Desember 2014

Chanel History Timeline

1970: Launch of Chanel N19, the 19 stands for Cocos birthday.

1955: Launch of the perfume Pour Monsieur.

Vintage Video of Chanel Fashion shows during the 1930s

Coco answered one night at diner Christian Dior said

activities that for his work for Chanel.

1968: Catherine Deneuve becomes the new ce for the Chanel N5 ads.

1928: construction of the Villa La Pausa near Monaco.

over their never ending fights around the distribution of the Perfume revenues.

1945QQ1953: Coco Chanel exiles to Lausanne where she stays at the .

Coco establishes Chanel Mode on 21 rue Cambon

1970: Interview with Jacques Chazot

praised by Vogue as Chanels Ford

1955: Suzy Parker becoes the new Chanel model.

1965: Pierre Wertheimer dies

The funeral is the the Madeleine Church in Paris.

Later the terms of the agreement create major conflicts between Coco Chanel and Wertheimer, as Coco feels having blindly signed an unir deal.

Ernest Beaux brews the perfume,

The Duke spoils Mademoiselle Chanel with valuable jewellry and other presents,

to produce larger quantities. The perfume comes in a bottle designed

There are different theories about the birth of the Logo.

and opens a hat store in Paris at 160 boulevard Malesherbes.

1918: Coco Chanel meets the

Russian Grand Duke Pavlovich Romanov in Biarritz.

1956: Coco Chanel and her former rival Aime de Heeren

1938: Coco Chanel becomes friends with Aime de Heeren,

The capital is given to her by her lover Etienne Balsan,

1971: January 10, Coco Chanel dies at the Ritz.

1935: CC attends the Grand Sicle costume Ball given by Count Etienne de Beaumont

tries to find a job in the shion industry

Coco Chanel has her own house but she is frequently at the .

1919: Coco Chanel discovers the ,

to get hold of the Wertheimer interests in her perfumes.

to Pierre Wertheimer by Theophile Bader.

as they have many souvenirs to share.

1954: February 5, comeback to Paris and reopening of the shion house

The nuns teached her sewing.

in French an affective expression for a lovely girl or woman.

by Coco Chanel including for the first time the iconic double C logo.

They ll in live.

the , the and a little later Chanels Villa La Pausa.

Her nickname Coco might be a deviation from Cocotte,

One day she notices the historic courtyard of the shop

to the Russian / French perfumer Ernest in Cannes.

She also neede to earn her living beeing a cafe singer.

Coco Chanel licenses her name and expertise for 10%.

31 rue Cambon remains open for accessories & perfumes.

There are many Duchesses of Westminster but only one Coco Chanel.

The staircase scinates her ….

The jewish businessman, Pierre Wertheimer provides the financing and

In the sentimental life of the Duke she is succeded by Aime de Heeren.

just behind the Casino

were sent to a catholic convent of the

1957: Coco Chanel receives the Neiman Marcus Fashion award.

Their life in Monaco is between the yacht of the duke The Flying Cloud,

1910: with the help of her boyfriend Arthur Boy Chapel,

40 years later,

1970: December, Coco Chanel and Aime de Heeren meet for the last time.

1916: Chanel suits appear in the American Vogue for the first time

to Flix Amiot and thus avoids beeing seized.

located at the Cremerie de Paris / Hotel de Villeroy.

Later the Perfume is represented in many iconic commercials.

in a drapers store on rue Saint Horlor Paris 8eme.

one of the Worlds most beautiful woman.

in Saumur / France into a poor mily.

One day Chanel finds out and this ends her friendship with Aime.

Her mother was Jeanne Devolle.

1959: Chanel enters , the New York Museum of Modern Art.

4,000 people work for Chanel.

Aime de Heeren returns to the Cremerie, in the meantime an Internet Cafe

is made in 2009,

Until today it is the best selling perfume worldwide.

1955: Marilyn Monroe photo by Ed Feigersh

The Duke of Westminster lls in Love with Aime de Heeren,

where she takes web lessons.

1953: July 19, death of the Duke of Westminster.

1960s: Coco Chanel is getting old and she is very lonely.

1957 / 1959: Coco Chanel with her models

Also one of her songs was Ko Ko Ri Ko and soon her audiance greeted her as Coco.

former secret first Lady of Brazil.

20 % are hold by Thophile Bader.

Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Mary at the in Corrze, France.

Coco Chanel is 71 years old …. and at this age sucessful comebacks are rare.

1920: Grand Duke Dimitri Romanov introduces Coco Chanel

and he is interested by Coco Chanels activities.

the french actress Audrey Tautou plays Coco Chanel.

with financial backing of her old business partner

They go on long through the city of Paris

One day when asked why did you return ?

They stay at the .

1924: at the racetracks of Longchamps Coco Chanel is introduced

Jacques Wertheimer is more know for his horse breeding

gets a 70% interest in the Chanel Perfume business.

Anticipating Nazi mandates against Jews, he turns over his interests in Chanel

a textile businessman and socialite.

with a magnificient staircase including a 5 symbol.

Her ther Albert Chanel was in intinerant street vendor.

1921: the first version of Chanel N5 comes alive,

You can read the Secret Life of Chanel by Justine Picardy from the Sunday Telegraph.

1962: Romy Schneider wears Chanel in a Luchino Visconti moovie.

Aime de Heeren calls her to cheer her up.

Coco Chanel designes the bottle,

Moovie stars Liz Taylor, Grace Kelly and Rita Hayworth adopt Chanel dresses.

Theophile Bader is the founder of the Galeries Layette Department store.

QQ3: August 19 Gabrielle Chanel is born

marketability and practicality.

and his son Jacques takes control of the company.

Without success Coco Chanel used her contacts with the German occupation forces

1939: September Chanel closes her shops after the declaration of World War II,

1937: Coco Chanel is wealthy enough to move to the .

and former worst ennemy Pierre Wertheimer.

1926: invention of the little black dress

Like other exiled aristocrats Dimitri, a direct cousin of the Zar Nicolas II,

Several movies are made about her life.

1934: CC attends the given by Prince de FaucignyQQLucinge

1913: opening of the shop in Deauville outside

Later Coco Chanel was able to find employment as a shop assistant and seamstress

1920: Coco Chanel is thinking about a matching her initials CC.

, in French by Judith Perrignon, Le Monde.

Chanel N5 becomes a world success.

Coco is buried in the BoisQQdeQQVaux in Lausanne.

Her teacher is the editor of and this article.

1915: opening of a boutique and couture salon in Biarritz.

a cheese store on 15 rue des Halles, not very r from rue Cambon.

but in what concerns an eventual marriage Coco Chanel made the mous quote:

1939: July 1, Coco Chanel and Aimee de Heeren go to the given by Lady Mendl.

Pierre and his brother Paul Wertheimer own of the perfume house Bourgeois,

Her clients love the perfume but Coco Chanel doesnt have the knowhow

Chanel offers small samples to her Boutique clients.

1966: Coco Chanel receiving Marie Helne et Nadine de at home.

Chanels vorite models occupy the front row seat at la Madeleine.

1919: opening of a new larger Paris store on 31 rue Cambon

… some take them back to the beautiful staircase with the 5 symbol

The Hotel and the become a source of inspiration for her.

1947: Coco Chanel and Pierre Wertheimer meet and make peace

the octagonal cap recalls the geometry and proportions of the place Vendme.

1924: is established Parfums Chanel.

1940: Pierre Wertheimer emigrates to New York.

both miss the Duke of Westminster and they reconsilate

QQ5: At age 12 Gabrielle and her two sisters (Julia Berthe and Antoinette),

1909: Coco Chanel founds her company

1925: Coco Chanel meets the Duke of Westminster in Monte Carlo.

one of the first ones to mix natural and artificial essences.

a women could never be a creat couturier.

Parfums Chanel are a different company seperate from the shion house.

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